We’ll work with your team to plan training by topics to ensure rapid adoption of your SharePoint.
Porteo Intranet
Employee Learning Center
HR Performance Reviewer
Project Central
SharePoint Essentials
SP 2013 Quick Ref Card
SP Foundation Reference
10 Ways SharePoint Can Help Your Businesses Succeed
Transform your business with Office 365 SharePoint
Why Office 365?
SharePoint in Plain English
Office 365 SharePoint Tutorial
Getting Started with SharePoint
Getting Started with OneDrive
Start Using a List | 10 minutes
Add items to a list | 1 minute
Find data in a list | 1 minute
Create List Views | 2 minutes
Set an alert on a list | 2 minutes
Share a list with others | 2 minutes
Create a Calender | 2 minutes
Add an event to a Calendar | 1 minute
Use Task Lists | 3 minutes
Why SharePoint For Documents? | 10 minutes
Introduction to document libraries | 10 minutes | Quick Reference Card
Uploading documents to libraries | 2 minutes | Quick Reference Card
Copy or move documents by using Open with Explorer | 3 minutes
Sync Documents to One Drive | 7 minutes | Quick Reference Card
Edit and Manage User Profiles | 7 minutes | Quick Reference Card
Follow Documents and Content | 4 minutes | Quick Reference Card
Using SharePoint Newsfeeds | 6 minutes
Find People | 1 minute